Quit smoking handout pdf

And, keep in mind, wanting to quit is the first step. Tobacconicotine dependence is a condition that often requires repeated treatments, but there are helpful treatments and resources for quitting. List your reasons for quitting and post them in a place where you can see them often. In fact, today there are more former smokers than current smokers. Quitting smoking fact sheets and brochures to provide information on quitting services and products to help smokers decide how to quit. Talk with your health care provider about which program might be right for you. This is often due to replacing cigarettes with highcalorie foods. You can make a plan to deal with them only after you admit them to yourself. You start taking it about one week before you quit smoking. Quit smoking guide home american academy of family.

Different people have success with different ways of. About ashline smoking cessation program ashline az. If you smoke, quitting smoking is the single most important thing you can do for your health. How to quit smoking smoking is dangerous to your health. You may have tried to quit before, or you may want to. Smoking harms almost every tissue and organ in the body, including your heart and blood vessels. It is just as important to understand why you have continued to smoke as it is to understand the benefits of not smoking. New york state smokers quitline 18666978487 or 1866. This handout provides an overview of evidencebased tools created by the tobacco control research branch of the national cancer institute nci that are available to help you or someone you know quit smoking. Smoking cessation handouts fact sheet your plan for success step one. Smoking can also cause cancer of the lungs, bladder, kidney, and pancreas as well as cause cancer in the mouth and throat. Reduce the number of cigarettes per day until you stop smoking completely. Quit tobacco workbook vanderbilt university medical center.

This handout lists many resources for people who want to quit smoking or using other tobacco products. It also harms nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke. Quit tips pdf, 447 kb quit tips spanish pdf, 487 kb things to do instead of smoking pdf, 3. M ost of those who were still smoking had cut back a lot. Tobacco cessation therapy bupropion sustained release sr 150mg medication together with behavioral counseling gives you the best chance of quitting smoking what does this medication do. Chantix is a pill that helps with cravings and other withdrawal symptoms. Soon after you quit, your circulation begins to improve, and your blood pressure starts to return to normal. The more counseling you have, the better your chances are of quitting. We wrote this booklet with the help of exsmokers and experts. The american cancer society can tell you about the steps you can take to quit smoking and provide quitsmoking programs, resources, and support that can increase your chances of quitting successfully.

Our quit coaching is customized to each person individually so any special circumstances that might affect your ability to quit are taken into account. You are taking the first step to quitting cigarette smoking. Ashline takes calls from anyone who wants to quit tobacco. You can also ask a pharmacist about overthecounter stopsmoking medicines like the nicotine patch. To learn about the available tools, call us at 18002272345. Tips to quit smoking national heart, lung, and blood. Cdcs tips from former smokers reasons to quit smoking. It is for men who identify with the challenges around being an expectant or new dad who smokes. Veterans prescribed tobacco cessation medications should be given individual medication handouts as this miniworkbook does not contain indepth medication. Bupropion is a nonnicotine aid to help you quit smoking by reducing withdrawal symptoms. If you quit smoking or using other forms of tobacco, you and your family will experience health benefits in the short and longterm. Fact sheet about health benefits of smoking cessation. You can get free help through the massachusetts smokers helpline at 1800quit now. You will receive encouragement, advice, and tips that help you quit for good.

Flyer with tearoff phone number and url pdf, 265 kb quitlinenc poster pdf, 342 kb quitting information, help and tips. Smokeless tobacco use also causes a number of noncancerous oral conditions and can lead to nicotine addiction similar to that produced by cigarette smoking. New york state smokers quitline 18666978487 or 1866nyquits author. Maybe they want to be healthier, save some money, or keep their family safe from secondhand smoke. There is a study with good news for people with diabetes who want to stop smoking. If you have tried to quit before and have not been successful, dont give up. Once you decide to quit smoking, the first step is usually to set a quit date. Six months later, 17 percent of the patients had quit smoking. Bupropion for smoking cessation is usually started 7 to 14 days before your smoking quit date the date you plan to stop using tobacco. Reduce your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, emphysema. Aafp recognizes social determinants of health play a role in. Talk to your doctor for advice on how to safely quit during pregnancy. Pregnant women should try to quit in of their pregnancy to reduce the risk of health complications for their baby2 quitting at any time during pregnancy is beneficial. Even so, the best action you can take to improve your health is to quit smoking.

The tennessee tobacco quitline is a tollfree telephone service that provides personalized support for tennesseans who want to quit smoking or chewing tobacco. Tobacco and alcohol branch, preventative health directorate, division of the chief health officer subject. Whether you smoke cigarettes or use other types of tobacco or nicotine products, following these 5 steps will put you on a path to better health. Tell your family members and friends who are most likely to support your efforts. It helps you identify situations that trigger your urges to smoke.

Reasons to quit reasons not to quit vanderbilt university medical center 2007. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the united states. These resources, some printable, can help you start a conversation about cessation with patients and remind them that quitting tobacco use is a commitment to better health. Quitting smoking decreases the excess risk of many diseases related to secondhand smoke in children, such as respiratory diseases e. The health benefits of quitting offset the risks of gaining a small amount of weight. The many health benefits of quitting smoking, along with the years added to your life, will offset the few pounds you may gain. Youre considering quitting smoking, and thats a great first step. We also offer programs for women who are pregnant and those who use chewing tobacco. Quitting tobacco and nicotine addiction isnt easy, but others have done it, and you can. If you take bupropion two times per day, take the missed dose as soon as you remember it and take the second dose for that day at least eight hours later. When you call in, we start the process of matching you with a quit coach. Blood pressure and pulse rate begin to return to normal circulation to hands and feet improves fibers in the bronchial tubes begin to move again, removing irritants and bacteria 8 hours. Download this cessation handout make smoking history. The california smokers helpline offers free telephone counseling and materials to quit smoking, as well as free nicotine patches to eligible callers.

Nicotine replacement therapy nrt includes the nicotine patch, gum, and lozenge, which are available without a prescription. Tobacco cessation va mental health veterans affairs. These cards are designed to give you the information you need to know while preparing for your quit and for the early part of your quit. Ask for their help, including not smoking around you or offering you cigarettes. Prepare for quit day restrict smoking access or locations practice going without one cigarette set a specific quit day and time start buying cigarettes by the pack, rather than by the carton. Be tobacco free did you know that quitting tobacco is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health and protect the health of your family members. Quitting smoking is a great way to improve your health and the health of those around you. Tobacco use is the most common preventable cause of death. Nyc quits provides you with the information and resources you need to quit smoking, or to support someone who is quitting. Tips to quit smoking get ready calendar list your reasons for quitting and post them in a place where you can see them often. If you smoke, you have good reason to worry about its effect on your health and the health of your loved ones and others. Ask your doctor about medicines to help you quit smoking.

Deciding to quit smoking is the first step toward being a nonsmoker. Chinese, traditional cantonese dialect pdf american cancer society. There are immediate and longterm health benefits of quitting for all smokers. Think about picking a day that is special to you, such as your birthday or a holiday, if it happens during that time. A smoking diary is a valuable tool when you are getting ready to quit smoking because it makes you think more about your tobacco use. California smokers helpline free help to quit smoking. Providing resources to help your patients quit is a priority. Set a quit date that falls within the next 2 weeks. Be tobacco free healthy living handout department of. Quitting while pregnant flyer pdf tobacco and vapor 21 law.

Quitting smoking can be very difficult, but today, smokers have many choices. Many people keep smoking because they are afraid of gaining weight. Everyone has their own reasons for quitting smoking. No matter which quit method you choose the quitline can more than double your chances for success. Research shows that people who have the best chance of quitting are those who get some support such as contacting quitline and use quitting medications. A wide variety of smoking cessation tools are available more than ever before. Quitting is hard, but you can increase your chances of success with help. Ideally, this date should be in the next two weeks, although some people choose a special date that is significant to them eg, a birthday, anniversary, or holiday. You can also go to counseling sessions or stop smoking groups in your area. With a little knowledge and planning, the quitting process can become a bit easier. This is the day when you will completely quit smoking. Rapid benefit, people who quit smoking after having a heart attack reduce their chances of having another heart attack by 50%. A nurse offered a program at hospital diabetes clinics.

Method advantages disadvantages cold turkey the most common and inexpensive way to quit smoking. Nj quitline is a free telephonecounseling service for smokers who are ready to stop. On average, weight gain after quitting smoking is only between 510 pounds. Changes your body goes through when you quit smoking within 20 minutes of last cigarette. Department of health and human services many people gain weight when they quit smoking.

The most common and inexpensive way to quit smoking. Provides consumers with information about tobacco smoking and quitting including the quitline quit service keywords. It is designed to help the tobacco user take control of their attempt to quit. The quitline is stafed by quit coaches who are specially trained to provide information and coaching on a variety of quitting tobacco use topics, such as stop smoking medications, withdrawal symptoms and developing a quit plan. You can control your weight as you quit smoking do you want to stop smoking.

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